Razza Tamaskan: Carattere, Allevamento e Cura del  'Cane Lupo' finlandese - FOURZAMPE

Tamaskan Breed: Character, Breeding and Care of the Finnish 'Wolfdog'


Tamaskans are a relatively new dog breed, admired for their wolf-like appearance and loving temperament. If you are a dog lover and are interested in finding out if the Tamaskan could be the perfect companion for you, this article will provide all the information you need.

Tamaskan: Dog Breed, Breeding and Care


We will explore the history, characteristics, care, training and why it is sometimes also called "Wolfdog" and if you already have a Tamaskan at home do not miss the opportunity to give him a Bowl with his Name . 👀

Origins and History of Tamaskan

The Roots of the Tamaskan Breed

The Tamaskan was created in the 1980s by Finnish breeders who sought to create a dog that combined the appearance of a wolf with the temperament and abilities of a domestic dog. The initial crossbreeding involved Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and German Shepherds, with the goal of producing a healthy, versatile breed. 🐶

Why is it also called Wolfdog?

The Tamaskan is also known as the "Wolf Dog" 🐺 because of its physical resemblance to its wild wolf cousins. Their thick coat, musculature and sharp muzzle contribute to this wild appearance. This name reflects not only their external appearance, but also the strong and noble attitude that the Tamaskan brings with it. 🐺

Physical Characteristics of the Tamaskan

General Appearance of the Tamaskan

The Tamaskan is admired for its robust body and proudly upright posture, which closely resembles that of the wolf. This dog is often mistaken for a wolf because of its bold silhouette and variegated coat.

Tamaskan Look

Dimensions and Weight of the Tamaskan

Male Tamaskans can reach a height of 63–84 cm and a weight of 30–45 kg, while females are slightly smaller, standing 61–71 cm tall and weighing 23–38 kg.

Tamaskan Color and Coat

The Tamaskan's coat is thick and double, ideal for protecting it from the elements. The colors vary from gray to black, often with shades of red or brown.

Their bushy tail and sharp muzzle contribute to their wolf-like appearance.

If you are thinking of adopting a Tamaskan you can welcome him by giving him a bowl with his name to make his arrival at home even more special. 🐾

Add Your Pet's Name Here - FOUR PAWS

Temperament and Behavior of the Tamaskan

Affectionate Nature of the Tamaskan

Despite their wild appearance, Tamaskans are known for their affectionate and friendly temperament. They enjoy the company of their family and are known to be especially good with children.

Tamaskan Intelligence and Trainability

These dogs are extremely intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train. They excel at activities such as obedience, agility, and search and rescue work. They tend to take control of the situation in circumstances where they are familiar with the surrounding territory.

Tamaskan Socialization

It is important to socialize Tamaskans from the time they are puppies to ensure that they grow up as well-balanced dogs. Their friendly nature makes them good with other dogs and pets, but early socialization is essential. You should not wait too long before introducing them to social situations with other dogs, even possibly other breeds, to ensure that they get used to living with other breeds and characters right from the start.

Tamaskan Care and Health

Tamaskan Feeding

A balanced diet is essential to keep the Tamaskan healthy. Opt for a high-quality dog ​​food that is high in protein and low in preservatives. Always consult your veterinarian for specific advice on your dog's diet as the Tamaskan is more prone to food allergies and digestive issues than other dog breeds.

Physical Exercise for Tamaskan

Tamaskans are energetic dogs that need lots of exercise. They are perfect for active families who enjoy hiking, jogging, walking, trekking and other outdoor activities. Make sure they get at least an hour of vigorous exercise a day where they can let off steam, run around and burn off the enormous amount of energy they possess.

Tamaskan Grooming

The Tamaskan's thick coat requires regular brushing, at least twice a week, to prevent tangles and keep the coat healthy. During shedding periods, brushing should be done daily as shedding is much greater than at other times of the year.

General Health of Tamaskan

Tamaskans are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain genetic conditions. It is important to have regular veterinary checkups and be aware of potential health problems such as hip dysplasia, eye problems such as cataracts in young age, or seizures.

Training and Socialization of the Tamaskan

Tamaskan Training Techniques

Use positive reinforcement training methods to get the best results with your Tamaskan. These dogs respond well to treats and praise, but can become stubborn if coercive and forceful methods are used.

Early Socialization of the Tamaskan

Start socializing your Tamaskan as a puppy by exposing him to different people, places, sounds, and situations. This helps build trust and prevent fearful or aggressive behavior in the future.

Mental Stimulation Activities for Tamaskan

In addition to exercise, Tamaskans need mental stimulation to prevent boredom. Puzzle games, advanced obedience training, and agility activities are great ways to keep your dog's mind active.

The Tamaskan as a Family Dog

Tamaskan Compatibility with Children and Other Animals

The Tamaskan is generally very good with children and can live happily in a household with other pets, as long as they have been adequately exposed to the outdoors.

Tamaskan Apartment Life vs. House with Garden Life

Although Tamaskans can adapt to apartment living, it is preferable that they live in a house with a yard where they can run and play freely. They need space to exercise and release their energy and much prefer yard life to apartment living.

Time and Dedication Required for a Tamaskan

Owning a Tamaskan requires time and dedication. These dogs are not suitable for families who cannot devote enough time to their physical and mental exercise. It is essential to have a well-defined activity routine to keep your Tamaskan happy and healthy.


Final Considerations

The Tamaskan is a stunning dog that combines a wild appearance with a loving heart. If you are looking for a loyal and active companion who loves outdoor adventures and family life, the Tamaskan may be the perfect breed for you. Make sure you do your research and prepare yourself properly to welcome one of these magnificent dogs into your home since, as we have seen in the article, they are dogs that require a lot of physical exercise and care.

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1 comment

Ero molto curioso di leggere qualche informazione in più su questa razza visto che ultimamente ne sento parlare tantissimo. Questo articolo mi ha aiutato a capire che si, sono cani molto impegnativi hahaha non so se possano fare match con le mie esigenze lavorative/abitudinarie.
Ma grazie mille delle informazioni

Fernando M.

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